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Industry News

Preserving Institutional Knowledge: Strategies & Challenges

Heather Rees
Airwave Marketing

Institutional knowledge – the tricks of the trade and technical know-how gained through years of on-the-job-experience – is the backbone of any machinery maintenance organization. It's key to maintaining quality and standards but with the evolving workforce, safeguarding this knowledge is becoming increasingly challenging

Common Challenges

Retaining institutional knowledge confronts several obstacles, including:

Tenured Workers Retiring

As we face the peak of the ‘Silver Tsunami’ more experienced employees will be retiring each day than ever before. Their retirement brings more than just a reduction in manpower. It means losing years of irreplaceable institutional knowledge. 

High Turnover Rates

Alongside higher retirement rates, many companies face the challenge of retaining new employees, especially Gen Z workers. They prefer quick, hands-on learning experiences, presenting an opportunity to introduce efficient and appealing training methods.

Rapid Technology Changes

As machinery and technology evolve, capturing and keeping up with traditional knowledge becomes a challenge. However, this rapid change also opens doors to integrating innovative solutions that enhance knowledge management.

Effective Strategies

To combat these challenges, organizations can adopt several effective strategies:

Mentorship Programs

Pair your seasoned pros with newer workers, well in advance of retirement, in order to pass on those valuable skills with plenty of time to spare.

Continuous Training Programs

Keep everyone in the loop with regular training sessions that focus on actual, real-life work situations. 

Digital Documentation

Utilize user-friendly digital tools like push-to-talk technology to document processes and best practices. This approach makes critical knowledge readily accessible, streamlining information sharing across the team

Balancing Tradition and Innovation

The solution is finding the right mix of old-school wisdom and new tech. Using modern tools like Airwave can help preserve and easily access years of experience

Looking ahead, the businesses that keep their hard-earned knowledge alive and combine it with new ways of doing things are the ones that will stay ahead. It’s all about keeping the best of the past while moving forward.

Heather Rees
Airwave Marketing

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